Half Tales Launching Off

Devlog 5.10.24 

This morning I hit the publish button on Half Tales. Shut down my machine, unplugged it from the wall and packed it back to Burbank. This computer was my battlestation for six years. My Tank. My meez was tuned perfectly. Destined now for a WBD funded journey to a trash heap in some far land. I’ll pour one out. I’m going to miss my creative partner. We made a lot of cool shit together funhaus4. 

It was a heavy day.

It seems to be a time for new things.

Half Tales is me getting a little world out of my head. Halflings enjoying an innocent life off in an untouched, idyllic countryside. The time before ‘technology fucked it all up.’ The fun halflings absolutely go on adventures based on a half trusted rumor. The halflings with a real fire in their heart must dream of rescuing a princess or becoming an infamous monster hunter or discovering a legendary treasure. What sort of trouble do these wilder valley folk get into?

Classic. Vanilla! Generic. Archetypical? That cooked down sauce is what I am aiming for here. A storybook core as a launchpad for emergent narratives. Launch is a bizarre word once you say it too many times.

Half Tales is me making new things. It’s me  keeping myself creating. Posting the work in progress and updating as I go along seemed like a fun experiment. Deadlines help me function. 

This first BURST of HT includes a map of the Golden Valley, d4 rumors, d6 encounters, 4 monsters and 3 valley hexes ripe with adventures. More soon! 

It was a heavy day. 

Golden Valley Hexes 3/12 


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Amongst the tears I have shed for the past weeks, I am really happy that you have found the time to keep sharing these stories with us. You are an amazing professional and a terrific storyteller, and for as long you have tales to tell, I am going to be here to listen.

Thank you for everything Dan, the laughs, the emotions, the storytelling, Fhave, now this and fingers crossed for more to come! Would have loved to see an adventure in Half Tales with the gang :'( but one can still hope! Looking forward to the updates and more of your endeavours. 

- A fan